

Rhythm, Melody, & Harmony

Gig Harbor private school logo

When imagining Gig Harbor Academy, one will likely first visualize the evergreen trees that beautify our campus. Invoking other senses, one might next note the uplifting sound of piano, guitar, percussion, ukulele, and singing that reverberate across campus from Music class. Like all of Gig Harbor Academy’s specialist offerings, Music is intended to offer a balanced mixture of fun and knowledge. Students learn the contrasts of music: it can be happy and sad, high and low, and fast and slow. They listen, move, and dance to a vast selection of musical types, guided by the three pillars of music: rhythm, melody, and harmony.

Students of all ages experience Music class at Gig Harbor Academy, and as they progress through our elementary program they learn the theory behind music, in addition to how to read and write music. Students have the opportunity to sing together in addition to learning how to play percussion instruments, the recorder, and the ukulele. Families and students alike enjoy Winter and Spring Music Concerts, which showcase and share the love of music being nurtured within our community. Understanding that the impact an education has on a child permeates beyond their schooling, every GHA student is ultimately invited to try to identify what role music plays in their own life.

Meet the Music Teacher

Open House

Saturday, February 8
10:00 am to 12:00 pm